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    From chuck norris planet, a free chuck encyclopedia (not Wiki or Chuck Norris affiliated)

    • The leading causes of death in the United States are: 1. Heart Disease 2. Chuck Norris 3. Cancer.
    • Most people have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Chuck Norris has 72... and they're all poisonous.
    • When Chuck Norris goes to donate blood, he declines the syringe, and instead requests a hand gun and a bucket.
    • Little known medical fact: Chuck Norris invented the Caesarean section when he roundhouse-kicked his way out of his monther's womb
    • You know how they say if you die in your dream then you will die in real life? In actuality, if you dream of death then Chuck Norris will find you and kill you
    • Chuck Norris once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink
    • A study showed the leading causes of death in the United States are: 1. Heart disease, 2. Chuck Norris, 3. Cancer
    • 'Icy-Hot' is too weak for Chuck Norris. After a workout, Chuck Norris rubs his muscles down with liquid-hot MAGMA
    • In an act of great philanthropy, Chuck made a generous donation to the American Cancer Society. He donated 6,000 dead bodies for scientific research
    • Chuck Norris brushes his teeth with a mixture of iron shavings, industrial paint remover, and wood-grain alcohol
    • The easiest way to determine Chuck Norris' age is to cut him in half and count the rings
    • Since 1940, the year Chuck Norris was born, roundhouse-kick related deaths have increased 13,000 percent
    • Human cloning is outlawed because if Chuck Norris were cloned, then it would be possible for a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick to meet another chuck Norris roundhouse kick. Physicists theorize that this contact would end the universe
    • Coroners refer to dead people as "ABC's". Already Been Chucked
    • Staring at Chuck Norris for extended periods of time without proper eye protection will cause blindess, and possibly foot sized brusies on the face
    • Chuck Norris can taste lies
    • 4 out of 5 doctors fail to recommend Chuck Norris as a solution to most problems. Also, 80% of doctors die unexplained, needlessly brutal deaths
    • Once you go Norris, you are physically unable to go back.
    • It is scientifically impossible for Chuck Norris to have had a mortal father. The most popular theory is that he went back in time and fathered himself
    • Sticks and stones may break your bones, but a Chuck Norris glare will liquefy your kidneys.
    • The phrase 'break a leg' was originally coined by Chuck Norris's co-stars in Walker, Texas Ranger as a good luck charm, indicating that a broken leg might be the worst extent of their injuries. This never proved to be the case
    • Chuck Norris does not kick ass and take names. In fact, Chuck Norris kicks ass and assigns the corpse a number. It is currently recorded to be in the billions
    • 182,000 Americans die from Chuck Norris-related accidents every year
    • Chuck Norris never goes to the dentist because his teeth are unbreakable. His enemies never go to the dentist because they have no teeth
    • In the medical community, death is referred to as "Chuck Norris Disease"
    • When Chuck Norris plays Monopoly, it affects the actual world economy
    • Chuck Norris drinks napalm to quell his heartburn
    • Chuck Norris uses tabasco sauce instead of visine
    • Chuck Norris sleeps with a pillow under his gun
    • Some people ask for a Kleenex when they sneeze, Chuck Norris asks for a body bag
    • "Sweating bullets" is literally what happens when Chuck Norris gets too hot
    • Chuck Norris' sperm can be seen with the naked eye. Each one is the size of a quarter
    • After taking a steroids test doctors informed Chuck Norris that he had tested positive. He laughed upon receiving this information, and said "of course my urine tested positive, what do you think they make steroids from?"
    • TNT was originally developed by Chuck Norris to cure indigestion
    • Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him
    • Chuck Norris doesn't have blood. He is filled with magma
    • When Chuck Norris was born, the only person who cried was the doctor. Never slap Chuck Norris
    • Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open
    • Chuck Norris's body temperature is 98.6 degrees... Celsius
    • Chuck Norris brushes his teeth with barbed wire
    • When Chuck Norris sneeze, he doesn't say "Atchoo" he says "DIE EVERYONE!!!". That's what happens next
    • Chuck Norris doesn't breathe, he holds air hostage
    • Chuck Norris lost both his legs in a car accident....and still managed to walk it off
    • Chuck Norris wasn't born with feet, just boots
    • When Chuck Norris had surgery, the anesthesia was applied to the doctors
    • Chuck Norris frequently donates blood to the Red Cross. Just never his own
    • Chuck Norris doesn't have normal white blood cells like you and I. His have a small black ring around them. This signifies that they are black belts in every form of martial arts and they roundhouse kick the shit out of viruses. That's why Chuck Norris never gets ill
    • For some, the left testicle is larger than the right one. For Chuck Norris, each testicle is larger than the other one
    • Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried
    • Little known medical fact: Chuck Norris invented the Caesarean section when he roundhouse-kicked his way out of his monther's womb
    • Some people ask for a Kleenex when they sneeze, Chuck Norris asks for a body bag
    • Chuck Norris' pulse is measured on the richter scale
    • The only reason the color pink still exists is because Chuck Norris is color blind
    • Chuck Norris had his tonsels removed with a chainsaw
    • Chuck Norris once had a heart attack; his heart lost
    • Chuck Norris doesn't have hair on his testicles, because hair does not grow on steel

    Chuck Norris Facts
    In the medical community, death is referred to as "Chuck Norris Disease".

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